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Working With Us

Who we are / What we do

    MaiWai Publishing is a publishing company specializing in localizing and distributing erotic doujinshi. 

    With erotic doujinshi becoming more popular in the English speaking markets, piracy and fan translations have become more commonplace. We believe that most people, given an convenient way to access the content for a reasonable price, would be more than happy to support the creators. 

    That's why our aim is to provide an outlet for artists to publish and distribute their works for English speakers at an affordable price with little hassle or DRM.

Zero Censorship.

     Your art was drawn without censorship, so it should have the right to be shown the way you want. No black bars or mosiacs. No changes. All releases are sold uncensored following the original as closely as possible.


     We are also not biased when it comes to tags and genres, including those that have traditionally been seen as controversial, such as NTR, and those that have been removed entirely from other platforms in the past. While these tags will not be our focus, we will treat those works equally as those in more popular genres.

Zero Cost.

    All costs related to preparing a work for sale, such as translations and editing, are covered by the company. The artist is not expected to have to cover the cost of any of the localization costs of their works.

    While we aim to publish as much as possible from an artists' catalogue, not every work can be published on the same schedule, and we reserve the right to review and decide on what gets worked on.

Comprehensive rights for the author

    We aim to provide the author as much control over their work as possible - it's their work. We are happy to accommodate any requests on works they wish us to prioritize on localizing.


    To address any possible concerns, MaiWai only retains the rights to localizations The rights to the works in question will always belong to the artist.


    While we believe that piracy is mostly a service problem, we also believe in the author's right to decide on how and where their work is published, and will help defend that right by taking down unauthorised copies. We will do the same for scanned copies of the work and fan translations/localizations per author request.


    If you are interested in working with us, please contact or contact us on Twitter at @MaiWaiENG so that we may begin talking about details.

Thank you for your interest in our company.

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